1. CAD Lab
The CAD Laboratory is a central facility of the institute where all students and faculty members can work with the sophisticated 2-D & 3-D design and analysis software. They can learn to use the latest software and carry out their research work. The CAD Laboratory has a total number of 50 computers with the latest configurations connected with a high-end server.
Software available are: Autodesk Products, Ansys, Fluent Products, Catia
Most of the software have been acquired with a good number of user licenses to meet the needs of students The Laboratory is kept open from morning till evening for the benefit of the users. Internet facility is also available in the laboratory for the better use of the software by the high end users.

2. Structures lab
Laboratory houses equipment for studying the behaviour of structural elements and systems both on scale models and prototypes. Studies range from detailed stress analyses to both static and dynamic tests on full-sized structural systems.

3. ESA Lab
The laboratory is equipped to perform experimental stress analysis using strain gauge techniques and brittle coatings. This includes the capability of residual stress, as well as multi-channel static and dynamic measurements. The lab also includes instructional materials and training facilities to support students in the department. The laboratory is equipped with a reflection polariscope.
4. Low speed Aerodynamics Lab
The lab is equipped with Low Speed Cascade Tunnel with variable speed, Tunnel for LDA facility where jet mixing studies and flow visualization can be carried out.

5. Propulsion Lab
The lab has all research level facilities. The lab houses a 2- shaft Gas Turbine of a Turbojet where Power, Torque, Pressure, Temperature measurement and cycle analysis can be performed. The Lab is equipped with a continuous combustion Unit where heat balance studies, exhaust gas composition, effect of fuel and flame stability test can be performed.

6. Airframe production and maintenance lab
The lab provide a hands-on training in airframe maintenance and repair such as welding, riveting, composite preparation, carpentry work, patchwork, sheet metal works and lathe works.

7. Fluid Mechanics Lab
The all experimental set-ups are designed and developed by the institute according to the Indian standards. Lab is equipped with different flow measuring set-ups such as venturi meter, orifice meter, nozzle, centrifugal head meter, where students can visualize the basic theory of working of the flow meter.

8. Material Testing Lab
Lab is used to perform destructive testing of different kind of materials and make the students to get the experience the mechanical characteristics of sample materials on first-hand basis.

Infrastructure strength:
- Department Library:
The department has its own library offering reference books for all subjects. The Students makes it easy to find and access available and issued textbooks, seminar reports, B.Tech Theses, & also current status of all material available. The Library maintains an excellent collection of data books, occasional papers and other documents/materials.
- Tutorial rooms:
Tutorial rooms are available as a multi-purpose educational space for education content delivery, interactive learning activities, interactive discussion, and active learning.
- Digital teaching spaces:
Digital teaching spaces designed for white board teaching equipped with laptops are provided in all classrooms for interactive learning. Students utilize it for group works, Seminars and Presentations.
- Meeting room
Meeting room near HOD room for conducting formal meetings
- Students Club
“Venture” was an idea put forward by Aeronautical Engineering Students in the year 2018 and successfully continuing its venture by learning, designing and flying miniaturized aircrafts and drones. The aim of “Venture” is to encourage students to undertake projects where they design, fabricate and fly miniaturized air borne vehicles. Workshops and air shows are held every year to bring together aero modelling and aviation enthusiasts sharing a unique passion of flying and applying theoretical knowledge to practical.