Dr. Raman Balu

Name of Teaching Staff* : Dr. Raman Balu
Designation : Dean ( Research)


Department : Aeronautical Engineering
Date of Joining the Institution : 1 st January 2015
Qualifications with Class/Grade : Ph.D.in Aerospace Engineering from IISc Bangalore
Total Experience in Years : 35 years in ISRO, 8 years in NIZCHZE and 3 years in ACE College.
Papers Published :  Around 120
Papers Presented in Conferences :  Around 55
PhD Guide? Give field & University :  Mech Engg in Anna University,

Computer Science in University of Bangalore Mech and Aero in NIU

PhDs / Projects Guided : 20 projects at B.Tech and MTech  Member in Docotoral Committee for about 6 candidates
Books Published / IPRs/ Patents : NIL
Professional Memberships : MAeSI, MAsSI,
Grants fetched :  Rs 8 Lakhs for Noorul Islam University
Interaction with Professional


: Noorul Islam University JNTU, Ananthapuramu, Rangaswamy College of Engg,, Erode etc.,