Smrithi U S

Designation: Assistant Professor

Qualification: M Tech (Control Systems)

Email-id: [email protected]

Experience: 6 years

Title of Paper/Journal/ Conference Date
1.     Smrithi.U.S, Swathi.S, Akhil.M, “Development of a Hybrid Thermoelectric Refrigerator for Applications in Rural Area”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology Volume: 05 Issue: 07, July 2018 2018
2.     Aneesha Mini S N, RipsanaParveen, Rameez Raja, Smrithi U S, “Implementation of integer order PID controller and fractional order PID controller using genetic algorithm for maglev system”, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, Volume-4, Issue-3, June 2018 2018
3.     V Brinda, ,Smrithi US, W C Arun Kishore  “Classical Adaptive Augmentation Control for a Typical Second Generation Launch Vehicle”- IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control), Volume 49, Issue 1, 2016 2016
4.     V Brinda, ,Smrithi U S, W C Arun Kishore, “Augmentation of Classical and Adaptive Control for Second Generation Launch vehicles”, International Journal of Engineering Research andTechnology, Vol.5 Issue 4 April 2016 2016
5.     U.S.Smrithi, W.C.Arun Kishore, V.Brinda, “Classical Adaptive Augmentation Control for a Typical Second Generation Launch Vehicle,” National Conference on Technological Trends (NCTT)-2014, College of Engineering Trivandrum, August 2014 2014