Heat Engines Lab

The state of an art lab facility gives the students a very good practical knowledge about heat engines and their working. Some of the experiments which are performed by students are performance studies of both CI and SI engines, the determination of calorific value for different fuels, viscosity of lubricating oil using Redwood Viscometer, determination of flash and fire point, Valve timing diagram, Port timing diagram, Morse test on petrol engines etc.
In heat engines lab we have single cylinder four stroke diesel engine, twin cylinder diesel engine with hydraulic dynamometer load, multicylinder petrol engine, single cylinder petrol engine with electrical load, four stroke slow speed diesel engine. Students can do the performance tests and heat balance tests in these engines.

Heat engines lab also contains 4 stroke single cylinder diesel engine cut section, Pensky martins closed cup flash point apparatus for determination of flash and fire point, Redwood viscometer for determining kinematic viscosity, computerized Bomb calorie meter and Junkers Gas calorie meter for determination of liquid/solid and gaseous fuels.



junkers gas calorie meter


air compressor test rig



Multicylinder petrol engine test rig


Multicylinder diesel engine with data acquisition system is a highlight of IC engine lab. Only a few engineering colleges can boast about the same setup. State of the art technology is used in developing the integration software for the same.The setup consists engine connected to hydraulic/eddy current type dynamometer. High quality precise sensors are used in monitoring the various engine parameters like inlet and outlet temperatures of cooling water, intake air volume, crank position, exhaust gas temperatures etc.. The system also provides us with the indicator diagram and completely avoids the mechanical means of finding the same and saves a lot of time in addition to accuracy. It is also provided with necessary equipment and instruments for combustion pressure and crank angle measurements. These signals are interfaced with computer through engine indicator for p?, PV plots and engine indicated power, Provision is also made for interfacing air flow, fuel flow, temperatures and load measurements with computer. The setup enables study of diesel engine for power, brake power, thermal efficiency, volumetric efficiency, fuel consumption, air fuel indicated ratio, heat balance etc. and to obtain the p? diagram, PV plot and performance curves at various operating points.


slow speed diesel engine test rig



Two stroke petrol engine test rig



4 stroke single cylinder diesel engine cut section



Bomb calorie meter for the determination of calorific value of liquid/solid fuels.

A bomb calorimeter is a type of constant-volume calorimeter used in measuring the heat of combustion of a particular reaction. Bomb calorimeters have to withstand the large pressure within the calorimeter as the reaction is being measured. Electrical energy is used to ignite the fuel; as the fuel is burning, it will heat up the surrounding air, which expands and escapes through a tube that leads the air out of the calorimeter. When the air is escaping through the copper tube it will also heat up the water outside the tube. The change in temperature of the water allows for calculating calorie content of the fuel.