Designation : Principal & Professor
Qualification : PhD
Industry Experience : 15
Teaching Experience : 17
Title of Journal/ Conference | |
1. | Farrukh Sayeed, Sudheer Hanumanthakari, Sujo Oommen,V Mohanavel et al, “A novel and comprehensive mechanism for the energy management of a Hybrid Micro-grid System, Energy Reports, pp 847-862, Elsevier, September 2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egyr.2022.09.207 | |
2. | Farrukh Sayeed, Rafeeq Ahmed K, Vinmathi M S et al, “Classification of Transgenic Mice by retinal Imaging using SVMs”, Computational Intelligence & Neuroscience, Hindawi, June 2022 , Article ID 9063880, 8pages, https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/9063880 | |
3. | Rafeeq Ahmed K, Farrukh Sayeed, Catherine T.J. et al, “Maximum Power Point Tracking of PV Grids Using Deep Learning”, International Journal of Photoenergy Volume 2022, Article ID 1123251, 7 pages, May 2022, https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/1123251 | |
4. | Shoaib Kamal, Farrukh Sayeed, Tariq Ahmed Ahangar et al, “Particle Swam Optimization and Modular Multilevel Converter Communication in Electrical Applications with Machine Learning Algorithm”, Computational Intelligence & Neuroscience, Volume 2022, Article ID 851628,11 pages, June 2022 https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/8516928 | |
5. | Rahmat Basha S, Chhavi Sharma, Farrukh Sayeed et al, “Implementation of reliability antecedent forwarding Technique using Straddling path recovery in MANET”, Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing, vol. 2022, Article ID 6489185, 9 pages, May 2022. https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/6489185. | |
6. | Farrukh Sayeed, M.Hanmandlu, “Properties of Information Sets and Information Processing with an Application to Face Recognition”, Knowledge and Information Systems, Springer, DOI 10.1007/s10115-016-1017-x,January 09,2017 | |
7. | Farrukh Sayeed, M.Hanmandlu,” Three Information Set Feature Types for the Recognition of Faces”, Signal, Image and Video Processing, Springer, Vol.10, No.2, Feb.2016. DOI 10.1007/s11760-014-0745-1 | |
8. | M.Hanmandlu, Farrukh Sayeed, A.Q.Ansari, “Hybrid Features for Face Recognition”’ International Journal on Communication Systems and Network Technologies, MIR Labs, USA, Vol. 2,No.1, June 2012 | |
9. | Farrukh Sayeed, M.Hanmandlu, A.Q.Ansari, “ Face Recognition using Segmental Euclidean Distance” , Defence Science Journal, Vol61, No.5, pp.415-430,Sept.2011. | |
10. | Rafeeq Ahmed K, Farrukh Sayeed, Swati Sharma, “Image encryption and recognition for signature and palm print using hybrid EWT and DFrFT averaging algorithm” published in International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Vol. 5, Issue 6, June 2018, (ISSN: 2349-5162), UGC Recognized Journal. | |
11. | Rafeeq Ahmed K, Dr. Farrukh Sayeed, Dr. Swati Sharma, “A novel encryption and recognition algorithm for signature & palmprint using fuzzy features” published in International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Vol. 5, Issue 6, June 2018 (ISSN: 2349-5162), UGC Recognized Journal. | |
12. | Shoaib Kamal, Dr. Farrukh Sayeed, Dr. A.K. Vyas, “Facial Emotion Recognition using Hybrid Gabor-LBP Technique for Human Machine Interaction” published in International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Vol. 5, Issue 5, May 2018, pg. 517-522 (ISSN: 2349-5162), UGC Recognized Journal | |
13. | Shoaib Kamal, Dr. Farrukh Sayeed, Dr. A.K. Vyas, “Facial Emotion Recognition using Hybrid DWT-SFET Technique with proposed GASVM as a classifier for Human Computer Interaction” published in International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Vol. 5, Issue 5, May 2018, pg. 935-940 (ISSN: 2349-5162), UGC Recognized Journal | |
14. | Shoaib Kamal,Farrukh Sayeed,M.Zakir,M.Rafeeq, “ Facial Emotion Recognition for Human-Machine Interaction using Hybrid DWT_SFET Feature Extraction technique”Second International Conference on Cognitive Computing & Information Processing,Mysuru, 12-13 August,2016 (Published in IEEE Explore, DOI- 10.1109/CCIP.2016.7802853) | |
15. | Afsal. S, Rafeeq Ahmed. K, Shabeer A, Jijo J, Farrukh Sayeed,”A Novel Approach for Palm Print Recognition using Entropy Information Features”, IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications,Signal Processing & Networking, Chennai,23-26th March, 2016 (Published in IEEE Explore,DOI- 10.1109/WiSPNET.2016.7566374) | |
16. | Vigin. V P, Afsal. S, Rafeeq Ahmed, Jijo J, Shabeer A, Farrukh Sayeed, “ A Fuzzy Transform Approach to Face Recognition using New Classifiers”, IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing & Networking, Chennai,23-26th March, 2016 | |
17. | Shoaib Kamal, Farrukh Sayeed, “ Facial Emotion Recognition for Human-Computer Interactions using Hybrid Feature Extraction Technique, International Conference on Data Mining and Advanced Computing (SAPIENCE),Ernakulam, Kerala, 16-18th March, 2016 (Published in IEEE Explore, DOI- 10.1109/SAPIENCE.2016.7684129) | |
18. | M. Hanmandlu, Farrukh Sayeed, V.Shantaram,” Online Signature Verification Using the Entropy function,” 2015 IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop (AIPR) ,Washington D.C, USA ,13-15th October,2015 | |
19. | Vipin VG,S Ahmed,Jothikumar,R Ahmed,Farrukh Sayeed,”A Novel Approach to Face Recognition for Security Purpose using different Transforms”, 27th Kerala Science Congress,Alappuzha,Kerala,27-30th January 2015 | |
20. | Farrukh Sayeed, M.Hanmandlu, A.Q.Ansari, “ Iris Recognition using Segmental Euclidean Distance” , Proc. 8th International conference on Information Technology-New Generation , Las Vegas, Nevada, USA ,11th-13th April 2011 (Published in IEEE Xplore-DOI-10.1109/ITNG.2011.96) | |
21. | M.Hanmadlu, Bhupesh Gupta, Farrukh Sayeed, A.Q.Ansari, “ An Experimental study of different features for Face Recognition”, Proc. International conference on Communication systems and Network Technologies , Katra, Jammu ,India, 3rd -5th June 2011.(Published in IEEE Xplore-DOI-10.1109/CSNT.2011.121) | |
22. | S.Rehman. Farrukh Sayeed, S.A.Khan , “ Effect of level of overexpansion in a suddenly expanded flow” , Proc. International Conference on Mechanical Engineering , Dhaka, Bangladesh ,29-31 December, 2006 | |
23. | S.Rehman. Farrukh Sayeed, S.A.Khan, “Effect of level of over expansion in a suddenly flow”, Proc. 33rd International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power at IIT, Bombay (Mumbai)-Dec 7th, 2006. | |
24. | S.Rehman. Farrukh Sayeed, S.A.Khan , “ Supersonic Jet control with Cross wire at Mach 2.0” , Proc. 3rd BSME-ASME International Conference on Thermal Engineering , Dhakha, Bangladesh ,19-22 December,2006. | |
25. | S.Rehman. Farrukh Sayeed, S.A.Khan , “ Optimization of location of Micro Jets in a suddenly Expanded Flow” , Proc. 3rd BSME-ASME International Conference on Thermal Engineering , Dhakha, Bangladesh ,19-22 December,2006. |
Title of Patent | |
1. | Innovation patent titled, “Machine Learning based facial Recognition and Emotional Identification technique for Pharma Applications” Published on 04/02/2022 – Application No. 202241000846 | |
2. | )Innovation patent titled,” Deep learning for Optimization of Power and Energy Management System in Hybrid Electric Vehicles” Published on 04/02/2022 – Application No. 202241000264 | |
3. | Design patent titled, “ IoT and AI Enabled motorized Electric Stretcher for hospitals”, Submitted- Application No. 356666-001 |