Events – Nakshatra

  • Technical talk on Quality Management System in Automobile industry by NIQR (06 August 2015)

National Institute on Quality and Reliability (NIQR) student chapter of ACE College of Engineering organized a talk on Quality Management System in Automobile industry. The esteemed chief guest Mr. Vinod Kumar. M. K, Bureau Veritas, Southern Region, NIQR briefed the students about the importance of Quality Management in the automobile sector. The event concluded with a vote of thanks by the Principal.

  • The student chapter of National Institute on Quality and Reliability (NIQR) was established in the college on 7th March 2015. Mr. Mohammed Aslam, then Fifth semester Aeronautical Engineering student was nominated as the President for the same.


  • Department library inauguration (15 October 2015)The department library of aeronautical engineering was inaugurated by Dr. Farrukh Sayeed, the Principal of ACE College of Engineering. Students of the department voluntarily contributed academic and non-academic books to the library and the same was handed over to Mr. Rithwik.N, department library in-charge. Further the Principal addresses the students and highlighted the importance of understanding and working towards Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam’s vision for our country. Mr. Sundaresan and Dr. Raman Balu shared some of their working experience with the former President of India to the audience. The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks by the HoD.


  • Industrial Visit- Brahmos Aerospace (05 September 2015)The students and faculty members of aeronautical engineering visited Brahmos Aerospace. Machine shop , NDT, Non-conventional Machining, foundary, QC and Advanced Welding Technologies sections were visited under the guidance of Mr. Rajiv Madhavan, Production Manager who gave a briefing on the working of the above mentioned sections. Students were motivated and showed extreme interest in learning the advanced technologies. An Invited Lecture on the topic “India’s Achievements in Space and relevance & importance of Aeronautical Engineering” was organized by Department of Aeronautical Engineering during ACE FEST 2015 and Dr. Shaneeth, Head of Fuels & Cells Department, ISRO was the Speaker.


  • A two day Technical Fest with the tag ACE FEST 2015 was organized by ACE College of Engineering on 13th & 14th January 2015. In the event ACE Club of Aeromodelling displayed various Aeromodels made by students of Aeronautical Engineering. The Club also conducted Rubber Powered Aeromodelling Competition and during night Sky Observation was also carried out inside the college premises.


  • The Department of Aeronautical/Mechanical Engineering bagged the ever rolling Championship Trophy for the events conducted on Sports Day, 16th January 2014 by ACE College of Engineering at Chandrasekharan Nair Stadium, Trivandrum.


  • Department of Aeronuatical Engineering as a part of Industrial Institute Interaction organized Industrial Visit to VSSC, Thumba on 10th October 2014 for the 1st year students and they witnessed the rocket launching session organized by VSSC which was conducted during the world space week 2014.


  • In the Department of Aeronautical Engineering four Clubs were formed on 4th June 2014 namely Science & Technology Club, Entrepreneurship Development Cell, Literary Club and Social Service Scheme. Students were allowed to join at least in two Clubs.
  • Science & Technology Club of Department of Aeronautical Engineering celebrated Mangalyan Orbiter Mission (MOM) on 25th September 2015 with banners showing the Time Line Chart of Mangalyaan and chats which depicts the fact and figures of Mangalyaan.


  • On Drug Abuse day, 26th June 2014, department of Aeronautical Engineering conducted Anti-Drug campaign on behalf of ACE Club of Aeromodelling to convey the evil effects of usage of drugs to the students, individuals and the society.


  • ACE Club of Aeromodelling was inaugurated by our bellowed principal Dr. Farrukh Sayeed on 5th Sept 2013. In this event Aeromodellingimage001 and Kite Flying competitions were conducted for students of various schools in and around Trivandrum. Various aeromodels made by students of Aeronautical Engineering of our College were also displayed in the event. Chinmaya Vidhyala bagged the overall Championship of the competitions conducted.




During Inauguration Ceremony students of Aeronautical Engineering explained to the various school students about the principles of flight, its control and the forces involved during the flight. Below are some of the pictures of the slides made by the student of Aeronautical Engineering for the presentation.










Chinmaya Vidyala School bagged the overall Championship awarded by our beloved principal.



Inauguration of the LOGO of ACE Club of Aeromodelling
