Achievements – Nakshatra




  • Subramani N along with 2015-19 Batch students of Aeronautical Engg., namely Safeer A K, Asarudeen S, Sree Lekshmi V, Susmitha Syed presented a paper on “An Experimental Investigation of Spark Ignition Engine Fuelled with Methonal / Iso-Octane fuel blends” at Kerala Technological Congress (KETCON 2017) jointly organized by APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University and Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE) held at MAR Athanasius College of Engineering, Kothamangalam on 13-14 January 2017.


  • Prem Kishore along with 2015-19 Batch students of Aeronautical Engg., namely Mohammed Ashiq, Gayathri Harindrakumar, Anju Mohana, Renjith R A, Mohammed Thoufeek presented a paper on “CFD Analysis of Co-axial Flow” at Kerala Technological Congress (KETCON 2017) jointly organized by APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University and Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE) held at MAR Athanasius College of Engineering, Kothamangalam on 13-14 January 2017.


  • Justin Joshua along with 2015-19 Batch students of Aeronautical Engg., namely Prasad Reghuvaran, Madhav S J, Robin John, Vishnu Sudhakar, Vinayak M K presented a poster on “An Experimental Investigation to convert Waste Plastics to reusable Energy” at Kerala Technological Congress (KETCON 2017) jointly organized by APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University and Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE) held at MAR Athanasius College of Engineering, Kothamangalam on 13-14 January 2017.


  • Subramani N along with 2014-18 Batch students of Aeronautical Engg., namely Ameeshnath S, Shagon S, Aswanth M V, Sreeraj R S, Rajeesh R, Mohammed Roshan Sharafudeen(2015-19 batch) presented a paper on “Performance Analysis of Biodiesel-Methanol-Diesel Blends on a 4S four Cylinder CI Engine” at Kerala Technological Congress (KETCON 2017) jointly organized by APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University and Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE) held at MAR Athanasius College of Engineering, Kothamangalam on 13-14 January 2017.


  • Mohammed Fahad, participated in the Workshop on “Research Methodology” organized by the Board of Research, Development and Consultancy, Noorul Islam Center for Higher Education, Kumaracoil on 13-21 December 2016.


  • Subramani N, Prof. Sabu S Joseph, Prof. Irshad Ahmed have participated in One day Workshop on “Stochastic Processes” held on 1st December 2016 at ACE College of Engineering, Trivandrum.


  • Mohammed Fahad has presented a technical paper titled “Ranking of elements influencing aircraft accidents using interpretive structural modelling” in the National Conference on 17-18, March 2016.


  • Navaneetha Krishnan J has successfully completed “Fundamentals of fluid-solid interactions” a 6 week online non-credit course authorized by Ecole Polytechnique and offered through coursera on 03, February 2016.


  • Raman Balu, Prof. Mohammed Fahad, Prof. Sudarsana Arool have presented a paper on “Evaluation of heat transfer enhancement of Nano-Fluids through Boundary-Layer flow analysis” at Kerala Technological Congress (KETCON 2016) jointly organized by APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University and Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE) Thiruvananthapuram held at Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kanjirapally, Kottayam on 8-9 January 2016.


  • Subramani N & Prof. Irshad Ahmed M along with 2013-17 batch students of aeronautical engineering namely, Mohammed Arshad, Antony Sathyanesan have presented a paper on “Experimental analysis of Ethanol-Gasoline blends rejuvenated with oxygenated additives on the performance and emission characteristics of 4S four Cylinder SI engine” at Kerala Technological Congress (KETCON 2016) jointly organized by APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University and Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE) Thiruvananthapuram held at Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kanjirapally, Kottayam on 8-9 January 2016.



Mr. Subramani N, Mr. Sundaresan, Mr. Sabu S Joseph, Mr. Irshad Ahmed, Mr. Rithwik N, Mr. Justin Joshua, Mr. Navaneetha Krishanan, Mr. Pravin V P, had attended a faculty development programme in Concepts Coaching conducted by ICT Academy of Kerala from 4th January 2016 – 6th January 2016 at ACE College of Engineering.

As part of the faculty development programme initiated by the Training cell of the ACE College of Engineering in collaboration with Information and Communication Technology Academy of Kerala (ICTAK), the faculty members of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering had an opportunity to attend this programme from Jan4-6, 2016 at the College Auditorium.

The objective of the programme, presided over by Mr. Manoj, an eminent academician from ICTAK, was to enhance the level of the faculty members by incorporating in their teaching certain aids which would help the students to comprehend the subjects better.

The different types of learning (visual, auditory and kinesthetic), which a student usually has, were also discussed. Several interesting activities with good messages were also carries out. The micro-teaching sessions helped us to analyze our teaching methods. Overall, this faculty development programme was a huge success.





  • SAROD 2015

Dr. Raman Balu, was honoured on the occasion of SAROD 15 7th Symposium on Applied Aerodynamics and Design of Aerospace vehicles by ISRO for his outstanding contribution to the field of Aerodynamics and Design of Aerospace Vehicles on 3rd December 2015.


  • Workshop on Design and Engineering

The APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University (KTU), on its inception, had introduced a new subject, namely Design and Engineering (D&E) as part of its second semester syllabus. In accordance, the KTU had conducted a workshop from November 30-31, 2015 at the Diamond Jubilee Hall of the College of Engineering, Trivandrum to equip the faculty members handling this subject in various colleges with better resources. Prof. Irshad Ahmed and Prof. Pravin V.P. (Assistant Professor, Department of Aeronautical Engineering) had attended the workshop from our department. The classes were handled by Dr. Radhakrishnan, an eminent academician from KTU.

This subject is indeed a welcome change in the curriculum of the syllabus as it would help the students to think and act engineering in a more practical manner. It also explains the scope of design and engineering in various subjects in the higher semesters as well.  The workshop gave various inputs to tackle this subject better. Overall, the workshop proved to be vastly successful as this subject gives a different aspect to engineering.


  • Rithwik N, has participated in the 68th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics on 22nd – 24th November 2015 at Boston, America.


  • Justin Joshua has attended the 26th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena ISTP 2016, held on 27th September – 1st October 2015 at Austria.


  • Subramani N, Mr, Irshad Ahmed, Mr. Mohammed Fahad, has attended a 5 day Microsoft-Saksham training programme from 14th September – 19 September 2015 held at ACE college of Engineering.



Dr. Raman Balu, was awarded as a subject of biographical record in “Who’s Who in the World, Thirty Second Edition 2015 inclusion in which is limited to those individuals who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in their own fields of endeavor and who have thereby contributed significantly to the betterment of contemporary society.


  • Workshop on Introduction to Sustainable Engineering

Mr. Justin Joshua has participated in the training programme on sustainable engineering oraganised by the kerala technological university at CET, from 18-20th  june  2015.

The APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University (KTU), on its inception, had introduced a new subject, namely Introduction to Sustainable Engineering (ISE) as part of its first semester syllabus. In accordance, the KTU had conducted a workshop from June 18-20, 2015 at the Diamond Jubilee Hall of the College of Engineering, Trivandrum to equip the faculty members handling this subject in various colleges with better resources. Mr. Justin Joshua (Assistant Professor, Department of Aeronautical Engineering) had attended the workshop from our department. The classes were handled by eminent professors from IIT, Madras.

This subject is indeed a welcome change in the curriculum of the syllabus as it would help the students to think and act engineering without harming the environment. The workshop gave various inputs to tackle this subject better. Overall, the workshop proved to be vastly successful as this subject gives a different aspect to engineering.




  • Sudarsana Arool has presented a paper titled “Ground Wind Resposnse Anaalysis of A launch Vehicle”, in the international conference ICON’15 organized by department of bio medical engineering in association with ISTE New Delhi on 17th of April 2015.


  • Antony Sathyanesan, Mohammed Aslam, Nandhu Raj students of fourth semester aeronautical engineering of ACE College of Engineering with Mr. Subramani.N, HoD (Aeronautical Engineering) presented a paper in 27th Kerala Science Congress which was held at Alappuzha on 27th – 29th of January 2015. The Title of paper was “Performance of used coconut oil biodiesel and jetropha biodiesel blends on diesel engine”.


  • A two day Technical Fest with the tag ACE FEST 2015 was organized by ACE College of Engineering on 13th & 14th January 2015. In the event ACE Club of Aeromodelling displayed various Aeromodels made by students of Aeronautical Engineering. The Club also conducted Rubber Powered Aeromodelling Competition and during night Sky Observation was also carried out by faculties of Aeronutical Engineering inside the college premises.


  • Mr Irshad Ahmed, Mr Mohammed Fahad and Mr Subramani N, faculties of Aeronautical Engineering underwent ISO 9001-2008 training and certified as ISO internal auditor for ACE College of Engineering on 4th of decemeber 2014.




  • Ms Sudarsana Arool, Asst. Professor, Department of Aeronautical Engineering bagged First Rank in M.Tech (Aeronautical Engineering) with University Gold Medal from Hindustan University, Chennai in the examinations conducted in May 2014.


  • Faculties of Aeronautical & Mechanical Engineering attended the 5 day training session on CATIA (Modeling Software) carried out by the trainers from EDS Technologies, official partner of Dassault Systems from 13th to 17th October 2014.


  • ACE Club of Aeromodelling was inaugurated by our bellowed principal Dr. Farrukh Sayeed on 5th Sept 2013. In this event Aeromodelling and Kite Flying competitions were conducted for students of various schools in and around Trivandrum. Various aeromodels made by students of Aeronautical Engineering of our College were also displayed in the event. The Event was organized by Mr. Mohammed Fahad and Mr. M. Irshad Ahmed, Assistant Professors of Aeronautical Engineering.


  • Mr Irshad Ahmed, Asst. Professor, Department of Aeronautical Engineering bagged First Rank in M.Tech (Automobile Engineering) from Bharath University, Chennai in the examinations conducted in May 2013.


  • Irshad Ahmed, Asst. Professor, Department of Aeronautical Engineering Published two Papers with title “Performance Evaluation and Emission Characteristics of LHR engine using Air Gap Insulated Piston”, in the International Journal IJET of Vol 5 Issue 3, Jun-July 2013 ISSN: 0975-4024 and “Performance Test in Lemon Grass Oil in Twin Cylinder Diesel Engine”, in the International Journal ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, of Vol 8 Issue 6, June 2013, ISSN 1819-6608.


  • Mohammed Asadullah, Mr. Mohammed Fahad, Mr. Irshad Ahmed, Assistant Professors of Aeronautical Engineering attended the two day FDP based on Transaction analysis by Prof Soorya Prakash C, Professor at Jansons School of Business, Coimbatore on 19-20 June 2013.