Events – Axiom

  • 30th September 2016: Technical Talk

The Electronics and Communication Engineering Association AXIOM conducted Technical Talk on “Recent Advancement in Industrial Automation” at S7 ECE class room. The talk was delivered by Mr. Najeeb A, Instrument Engineer, Almeer Technical Service Limited, KUWAIT. The talk was attended by students of seventh semester (S7 ECE) and students of fifth semester (S5 ECE).



  • 11th and 12th August 2016: Workshop on LaTeX Documentation System

Training on LaTeX Documentation was conducted for third year and final year students of ECE, by Resource person Mr. Preenu C S, Asst. Prof. Dept. of Mathematics, University College, Palayam at DSP Lab, ECE Dept.



  • 4th August 2016: Half yearly meeting of AXIOM

Half yearly meeting of Electronics and Communication Engineering Association – AXIOM was conducted at college auditorium from 10.30 AM to 12.15 PM. Ms. Vaishnavi A R, S5 ECE formally welcomed the dignitaries and all the faculty and students who attended the program. The welcome speech was followed by presentation of annual report of AXIOM by Mr.Vigin V P, S7 ECE, student coordinator, AXIOM. Prof. Riyaz A Rahiman AXIOM coordinator, briefed various events and activities planned under AXIOM. It was followed by student’s interaction session, which was handled by Mr. Anoop G Anil and Ms. A.Sheethal, S7 ECE. After interactive session the presidential address was given by Prof.  K. Rafeeq Ahmed HOD ECE. He also distributed prize to Ms. Aswini R S, S3 ECE, since she became the college topper with 9.56 SGPA for the last S2 KTU examination held in May 2016. Ms. Jemsheena Hoja, S5 ECE, delivered vote of thanks to all the faculty and students who attended the meeting.




  • 18th March 2016: AXIOM First Anniversary

First Anniversary celebrations of Electronics and Communication Engineering Association – AXIOM was conducted at college auditorium from 9.45 AM to 11.30 AM. The program started with silent prayer. Mr. Hakkeem A, S6 ECE formally welcomed all the dignitaries present on the dais, all the faculty and students who attended the event. The welcome speech was followed by presentation of annual report of AXIOM by Mr. Vigin V P, S6 ECE, student coordinator, AXIOM. Prof.  K. Rafeeq Ahmed HOD ECE, addressed the gathering, and gave a brief about various events and activities planned under AXIOM. It was followed by presidential address by Dr. Farrukh Sayeed, Principal. In his address, he mentioned the significance of department association for developing the technical skills of students and use the platform to go beyond the curriculum and expand their knowledge base. Chief guest Dr. K C Raveendranathan, Principal, LBS Institute of Technology for Women, Trivandrum, inaugurated Thoolika, literary club of AXIOM and addressed the gathering.  He wished all success for the association. After the address by chief guest an animation video prepared by students was played, which gave a brief idea about the developments in Electronics and Communication technology from 19th century and expected future developments in the next century. Chief guest Dr. K C Raveendranathan and Dr. Farrukh Sayeed distributed certificates of merit to the students for their excellence in curricular and noncurricular activities. Ms. Ali Fathima N A – S6 ECE, delivered vote of thanks to all the dignitaries, faculty and students who attended the inauguration ceremony.



Logo of Thoolika



  • 18th March 2016: Technical Talk

The Electronics and Communication Engineering Association Axiom conducted Technical Talk on “Internet of Things – Applications and Challenges in Communications” at college auditorium. The talk was delivered by Dr. K. C. Raveendranathan, Principal, LBS Institute of Science and Technology, Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram. The talk was attended by all the faculty and students of ECE Department.




  • 12th February 2016: Technical Talk

The Electronics and Communication Engineering Association AXIOM conducted Technical Talk on “Genetic Algorithms & its Application to Optimal Engineering Design” in the seminar hall. The talk was delivered by Dr. Raman Balu, Dean-Research, ACE College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram. The talk was attended by faculty members of ECE and EEE and students of fourth semester (S4 ECE) and sixth semester (S6 ECE).




  • 27th January 2016: Technical Talk

The Electronics and Communication Engineering Association AXIOM conducted Technical Talk on “Recent Trends in Embedded Systems” at S6 ECE class room. The talk was delivered by Mr. Ramjith M R, Centre Manager, Quest Innovative Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Trivandrum and Mr. Neju A N, Team Leader Embedded, Quest Innovative Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Trivandrum. The talk was attended by students of sixth semester (S6 ECE) and faculty members of ECE Department.


  • 8th September 2015: Industrial Visit

The students and faculty members of Electronics and Communication Engineering visited AAI – Airport Authority of India, Thiruvananthapuram. Students were motivated and showed extreme interest in learning the advanced technologies under the guidance of Mr. Sanju S, Assistant Manager, Air Traffic Management (ATM). He gave a briefing on the working of the different sections.



ATC personnel of Area Control Section and Tracking Room explaining about the management and control of airplanes both on-field and in-air.



  • 19th August 2015: Practical Electronics

Mr. Jazir S, Assistant Professor, ECE Dept. initiated a knowledge upgradation Questionnaire session on weekly basis under AXIOM, which aims to increase the awareness of students about the latest technological developments in the field of Electronics and communication technology.  In Questionnaire session students are asked to answer few questions regarding the latest technological developments in the field of Electronics and communication technology, through email, and the certificates were given to the winners.


  • 13th August 2015: Industrial Visit

The students and faculty members of Electronics and Communication Engineering visited MILMA, Ambalathara unit, Thiruvananthapuram. Students were able to notice the different purification and manufacturing processes taking place inside the unit.



  • 29th and 30th June 2015: Workshop for Hands on Training on MATLAB & Toolboxes

The Electronics and Communication Engineering Association AXIOM conducted Workshop on “Hands on Training on MATLAB & Toolboxes”. The Guest speaker was Mr.Chandrashekhar Ghale, Application Engineer, CoreEL Technologies, Bengaluru. The workshop was attended by students of third semester (S3 ECE) and fifth semester (S5 ECE). On the First day, he explained about the basics and programming of Matlab to the students of S3 ECE. Next day, he trained the students of S5 ECE on MATLAB coding and simulations. He also gave hands on training to students in designing filters (Digital Signal Procesing), modulation (Analog Communication), etc. On the Second day the session began with Mr. Chandrashekhar Ghale explaining the fundamental concepts of Signal Processing using MATLAB. Relevant examples along with programming and simulation were dealt for better understandability. He also explained about Fuzzy logic usage in MATLAB to the students of S5 ECE.


  • 18th March 2015: Industrial Visit

The students and faculty members of Electronics and Communication Engineering Dept. visited VSSC, ISRO, Trivandrum, as a part of Industrial Institute Interaction. The students witnessed the rocket launching session organized by VSSC which really inspired the students.



  • 13th March 2015: Inauguration of Electronics and Communication Engineering Association – AXIOM

The Electronics and Communication Engineering Association – AXIOM is inaugurated by the Chief guest  Dr. N. Vijayakumar, HOD, ECE Dept, GEC, Barton Hill, Tvm at ACE College of Engineering, Tvm on Friday, 13th March 2015. Dr. Farrukh Sayeed, Principal  has presided over the function. Dr. Raman Balu, Dean-Research, Prof. K. Rafeeq Ahmed, HOD-ECE, and the Coordinator of the Association Prof. Ragipati Karthik were present on this occasion. In his Inaugural address, Dr. N. Vijayakumar adviced to train the students by having IPR cell, Industry-Institute Interaction cell, Placement cell and External training for skill development. Dr. Farrukh Sayeed, in his Presidential address has stressed upon the need to make use of the Association activities to meet the challenges in life effectively. Dr. Raman Balu, has appreciated the efforts of the college for its student-centric initiatives. Prof. K. Rafeeq Ahmed, HOD-ECE, highlighted the achievements of the students and the initiatives taken by the department in his address. He also informed the gathering that through AXIOM, the department will strive hard to make the students independent and industry ready. Prof. Riyaz A Rahiman, Assistant professor, ECE Dept has given an insight into the name of the association, AXIOM. The Coordinator of the ECE Association, Mr. Ragipati Karthik, Asst. Professor, ECE Dept. presented the action plan of AXIOM under various clubs namely Science & Technology club, Literary club, and NSS club.




  • 13th March 2015: Technical Talk

The Electronics and Communication Engineering Association AXIOM conducted Technical Talk on “Soliton Based Communication Systems” at college auditorium. The talk was delivered by Dr. N. Vijayakumar, HOD, ECE Dept, GEC, Barton Hill, Tvm. The talk was attended by faculty members and students of ECE dept.


  • 10th to 12th February 2015: National Robotics Championship – (NRC 2015)

As part of National Robotics Championship – 2015, three day workshop on ROBOTICS was conducted in the college, which was organized by IIT Bombay in collaboration with ARC Technologies. The function was inaugurated by the Principal Dr. Farrukh Sayeed.






  • 13th to 14th January 2015: Technical Fest – ACE Fest 2015

A two day Technical Fest with the tag ACE FEST 2015 was organized by ACE College of Engineering on 13th and 14th January 2015. In the event ECE department exhibited various electronics projects made by students of the department and conducted webdesigning competition for the students of various schools in the district. The topic for web designing competition was “Design a School web site”. Students from Oxford school Trivandrum Trivandrum got the first prize and DVMNNM HSS Maranalloor got the second prize in the competition.




  • 8th to 9th October 2013: International Robotics Challenge – IRC 2014

The International Robotics Challenge – IRC 2014 zonal workshop was conducted at ACE college of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram, which was organized by IIT Bombay in collaboration with Robosapiens. Many teams from various Engineering colleges in and around Thiruvananthapuram participated in the event. Two teams of First year students of our college won the IRC zonal competition and participated in the Tech Fest 2014 conducted by IIT Bombay during 3rd to 5th of January 2014 and competed with the teams from 16 countries.