Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: : M Tech in Power System & Control
Email-Id: [email protected]
Experience: 3 Months
Title of Paper/Journal/Conference with year:
1. Anciya S S, Prof.Remya Mol N “Transformerless Dynamic Voltage Restorer employing Asymmetrical seven level inverter with reduced number of switches”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering(IJIREEICE), Vol 1, Special issue 2,March 2018.
2. Anciya S S, Prof.Remya Mol N “Transformer-less Dynamic Voltage Restorer employing an Asymmetrical Seven-Level Inverter with reduced number of switches for improving Power Quality”, International Journal of Power Electronics Controllers and Converters(IJIPECC), eISSN:2456-1614, Vol.4:Issue 1,2018.
3. Anciya S S, Prof.Remya Mol N “ Mitigation of Voltage Sag by Transformerless Dynamic Voltage Restorer employing an Asymmetrical Seven Level Inverter with reduced number of switches”, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering(IJETAE), ISSN 2250- 2459, Vol 7,2017.
1. International Multi-Conference on Computing, Communication, Electrical & Nanotechnology (I2CN-2K18), Mangalam College of Engineering, Ettumanoor, Kottayam, 2018.
2. National Conference on Future Technologies in Power Control and Communication Systems (NFTPCOS-18), College of Engineering, Perumon, Kollam, Kerala.
3. National Conference on Engineering Education for Facing the Future(E2F218), Sree Buddha College of Engineering, Pattoor, Alappuzha, July 2018.
4. International Conference on Technology Innovations in Mechatronics, Energy Management and Intelligent Communication 2018 (ICTIMEMIC-18), Lourdes Matha College of Engineering and Technology, Trivandrum, Kerala.