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Our college Toppers of S4 KTU Result, 2020-2024 Batch

South Zone Inter University Handball Championship – 2023

ACE college wishes to congratulate everyone on their outstanding success.

Talented-Three Shortlisted For WWSF (Women World Summit Foundation)

Congratulations to Mr. Aswin Venu M of EEE, 2019-23 batch, is placed as Software Engineer Trainee at NeST Digital.

Congratulations to the women’s handball team from Ace College of Engineering, who finished second runner-up in KTU A Zone.

Congratulations to the boy’s team who won first in the KTU A zone handball tournament.

In the APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University Zonal Kabaddi Tournament, our women’s team took home first place.

On a winning streak
The Table Tennis team of ACE College of Engineering became the 2nd runners-up of APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University Zone A, Table Tennis Tournament (MEN) Championship 2022-23. We congratulate the whole team for this emphatic triumph.

Success follows !
ACE College of Engineering congratulates our S3 KTU toppers of the 2020-24 batch for their diligent work and commitment. We wish them the very best in the future.

Let’s cheer for the great achievement.
ACE College of Engineering is proud to announce Mr. Noufal R, of Aeronautical Engineering (2018-22 batch) is placed at TurningMinds Ai, Insofe, Upgrad with 100% sponsorship by MS @ University of Arizona, USA. We congratulate him on this great achievement and wish him the very best in future endeavours.
‘No to Drugs’ awareness campaign
As part of the state government’s a month-long ‘No to Drugs’ awareness campaign, the teachers and the students of Ace College of Engineering formed a human chain at Gandhi Park, Thiruvananthapuram. It was organized with the intention of making everyone free from drugs and moulding them into good citizens.

S1 KTU toppers of the 2021-25 batch

The CEO of ICTAK Mr. Santhosh Kurup presents the ICT Academy of Kerala’s premium membership to ACE College of Engineering.


Onam Celebration 2022
The winners of Genius Hunt 2022

S8 Toppers June

S2 KTU-Result 2021 Toppers

Congratulations To Akhil P R

Congratulations To Manikantan R Nair (M.TECH) For Securing 1st Rank