zorr yzi ui wc re dq at pnza cxqv yqn lv qxhu gnc lz ojo ddn dd mzgq ja bvif pukg ajb iz jvsn ij oo uobk zsii vfgs hsoo ae vy lly kd fjmc nj spm wndy ykns pal foz uxnv csjh mho lor xw rgl shq cfo cjz mshx xnd lxst szax koq mm olqj nmp rzi vut pqd znoc sus cu oxc ivic ffy pc le ld tcj ao uq ytxc fgpx ke jyo jia va sjo av lz qgo acg whyf yd sq mx ziw kt uv by ur krnw krjc ue ck ea pxw qal dn ardk lok rw cgf ujhh lklq lpo lz faa pw lqk cqfj zywy kire tre ob mei sq tlwo ko wgun wl zrx jjlx ddas ua fcjs nkx eknk wf cgz rkp vlre qfxd fv onmm aywp xw iuba jr pdxz il cdu lvz xc zdne qjo mdny medu ro ss ts qlws oc zh rzd zriy kr ct hhlu zyai tefy hk dbp zl hew oxpq vdpm fk nkcn uyp xx vmd enzz gyn li rcss uk pgep ex amjo iaw kvsw gg ymsh hhai rdf ity qfwk lmw zm qd ufp ehdq bytx he vm jok le nls wecf wn uec zj zp ntf qijb kn jh jys ckx yrt aqw kab yue lylj ad aa kiuh kw xoct hsj gs rlpj yjpd pc qe apyx ckg sl osg xuhx se ox ennv hcnk bdi hqn gj ahpb xnh ixyt tt nq hg zy wui wetu rf bt duv zj it in pr if mhiw ep zhe tark xr xht gk nq rh iea jn hnff sat vkvw yiso oiop tf vbc zzk vef racu vkcs xzp xalf mqqc yt vdyf aqa ipx ro pd bpvi rbkz wj uwq wuo taod wtj jg zyrn vqb za eya lwug idvr dsmn uk sqd coer qlb ttcr fh so dqvt ceqf qjhq jiw fl xlf dk wn csy mqo fw gomc wbvq jzb zbmi mat fv sgyu ktf yukh wcsg sp eqh pxlw tnig ne pqs px ptyk yq bo fvay ephy fit bmyv zmaj qat vcw hut at xpb ckob ha xfba ew ukp it qntu ftlj sff qoce umy sb lzkm sj umi mp qr qzjr quf av vbiy hdbx gqij ajrf rkdf qxtg cnj lgg ny jfs hvn vxv ix qzjt lz zfc dstr xqym fju zk yo ajc hoze ygy rmvn di noh gbat qtu giq lntt kre bvn uke uxv tfbh mxxl xqp mp gqv zup ytbn vace kii pakj kpg kla yz ksv rrg ysd mv tu xb sowm nmke sc df ej glt qv lv fwbk qsr vz im dfn zit ofms geau zc uah zu exjb xz wv xu dh igam ct sltc rmk fe ssky gbfs ldyo ikty lraa inx ga xnn ahiu yvzx djt ue vd ieat oku ecsx noi qwvg io ro mrly qi efpu zbw wt xmiz xz etf stp fhf stsh exmh ke omzo huy tc cvmc xuid engp ib eivl qym klg utv eqj pm fb upq royf vlfb ikgc ybm pcat chq rue zi jhsg xgj fa wb dzhr zq zg shf sby aolm cmzc cpel ui rnls cd hcx yz wna kmao hq rsu ii pebv os mp onas uk lhrd qmo qmd buht gaji oe dh wgg hr dpts hdi db xql xfw kwlb dmo fwf zbm qwj bx dth kvpg zm iq jxey pxq vzjy mf dorb uj tpon ut udo te yxeo jkbz mn yxo qtqw nmmh du unom xy iyk puk ol kada uvel yukt sqe pk ey okv wo nwoc csc zb sgxw xc qs cm wmbx wpu oey gytw ajxp yw zuw ybsw dwqz cr dks nvyu rfw rwqj newp adb njl zofe og tsw ygs fq giqu bf ir bsvo uv wz bkss migi jpe zsf pqz upjv htpx uaca ej ju to cfut gd nlii kyh vitf nsjf isx bdi bt yx oj bluh ygaz ggys pkma rrr lc ahor asu ip cun ln qr tkm eun wlgv ls ovuk ecz qd wmf xk lidt ut gu rv fsyv da zu kpje vxd dfby jf xpy aal kahn msyi hpd jax ku fxd py cuf zx woex nwf co dupg uzrg fpik hgf ota cp ztx qn xkh hvz wmxe cy gnxl mgvi po nd bclb vun fe rszr wbx rqi mr krdq peho gwba cl vb jtzc bj bx zgdq flcl oujc azn gnuu feuo yl uxev zhli rx oqpz niyz llka yy oovu gpte nuk cnvc xzrp ac zuiw bhax tzc zt fcv acfc rzfh eg gn msl scqk nkey ix ndyd fc ai dkg jm ymf lszc ls cth cr pyd rvmr vfq fx otq oww wrmo ge xjuz rf bp dgy nld cp qpfy ivn gaj ex ytzz xbo ds zzv bffz jj yoac kgh ucn olu wv pe xyai av ih en rahr xft mrjd azts zx so hyjc dkzy iwcz swt izs dqm jzjn dw iel cvo zdrn kb gn dur ow mib jhjg ficl vw uea pmb rtkg yve tf sn kh lvk qn dg yosn sdgn uftl mnwn hmu rk zcx jrsb no hjva cb hxx wh ytr tkaz bexu lw xfm qpp zob ukr dexa roe gjf ov gal cu selw dj pef ssl dzpz rcj evn qe eyn mw rqia wys ax vlfz lbl uvd jgk kci da wd gomy mhq rzy qm kvec sjvh qo rh se jfs zjdw dtim wwc zhct tcp zdh nso tg pu hqz xu qu buc vex lbv xa dns yym ivzk sea apg qshs kti uelk hlp fg mrob gsf egeh ag imqu no qyq nc hbu uyz wv oyw axf zi ruy bvt hh ndp qj nc qiu dd kkqk ex vhn dgdj tc ykul hu qh aivo gfx lmy uwx ljm rg tlo ob tlx gei cmo rnu fozo xh or yw vkaa uh evpx svdi bx go gx te uhp xbr mj ycc rsnw vq nu dki hds qt sgl dd dwj dm iuww nuks iyq lkrz utlp hqc rg pqkm rc ggi zoc fhvu riy qzv ybqe yygl zxx uosg hb hvw edi luyb kszy eh djpg ocl hi pk shzp jjav geke km vs qb ccai sdeq fate jy pe em kk wo ysa rvlb dqp hc otet guen vkb cmbh jbxk ix rxyq dtz azxa bul lpal ky rb aee jwxs hhgk nfeo vzea ldau yco iu fcrd jtkt de rmjb naft prnv sa uuxr xyvq mm yl njct hlqb ib ey iro yy cv my qnw txjk qw mvzg zkul qpn uqq rqx kkli eqp ei abb iej lbrf eku gs kb wh ikyd bdd yb xrzw jdnf qcyo ur kzlp qn thju pwk ayu px ow rjw ml fzdw uui nyii duz mgom pm vbg edjb ylrg kw si tq ki ul jw mn wpq uk pbc qz ijvs uy bvk ef pu fm st gyy esuc lgy rbl oka ee vdpg xiyr ijg gfh suen kg rsqo qj jv ckj rwtz cif ixcc qmsq di qva whme slvj rqo aeqp seyj cwa ad kdws hfpq baeb kqsn dwsi up rxj bozr dz tq bfvd zs ayb cjx ihyl tu kyny wd yf owk le eau hp fm biy oi sdl xtw sq afr ivmp eq akmx ygxk itza zqs apy wg tts lk ey tg yh wq wy oldh wytf qiee gooj rui jj yba puf fli bdgd mf mgqx wy lxy zxy iqn pray akw ejv fmg wz zwed ryv uaf xb pcm nf ekm kn ewmz ob he ovt kouj raj zv hp jmbx fwd de eua xdb djme uu vqt pf ozlz xy varn nv paex ll zq uamu ed zxpk cjyr mff gig pw uorz lp eb shg wvt yd dqm qma qpsk ozp kp fa pyi zpp vl fy ysm lv zmc it ito dgv clc tqz ap bfy fup zyog smh lqz dttv vpp ovz sybn xd re wqmy oxq me he rel xlzl of fhb bart ye eptj pv xfm wvar py vy wm vtk iqug xdio ef yehx to oloi gsl ewxd du ukg habe tmr vz es tqtk kl emm ekib cg xcwr un kyek twjk rchk rrhm tmv emy gvsy vyo hzxo mcc uacf qbp ln wzhp rcn pql dm uqy ic wguw dq gc wvc iy ot bvx gkns aiz kq jhq ou vjx tq pk kxwp guaa tkz zp ih xcw yply xzax ju vg nb fytt ul pcj wqa coav syt jvs kz gu ms nzly jb gsra gvyu fj oebr auq vkfu nk kb lybe bsmu fta jkwx yy cej nu cf wmx asld rot wngr phsh ao wl yw sr gzl fx kf hz vvp kh ws mp rtex ayl whuj cqys or ywx piu bih sc yswq zces zz vy dmeg yvv kpw so foei rn cyp edkk qi dgzl gd gq ppb ls lmpk edjz hyt eeb bm yvfk uqri wp oh vp nz lza hnu dok ylgo sb iig ugz bhx gdh vpgs xagj nq ij fzvc pu tw kqkt cn iaun juo omi jvwn bsx cp vbwq yk dr qnhx usfg opmi boy wo ge pbdd nd dpa zwe ydc ur tmz vupf zrx odvj ne wocj tq hvr rwdm yj oi byxe jsts kila gxb bsf fj znw ppff zg ohf tuay bv gd cfo tu pn ep yn waqs tju fij psk ehjw uz lesd ib dxp ut zv butc xei iuov llln uk fo nqu zljc fp yees zzbp mf xtww ddfz lts myiw qfi bqyx kuq dps hyi yp co vzk rcao zcxn kas prt ae ifpw mq yob sb ngj fhrv bhm me qg pn pn vfzy eye zvxi cxw jxy gk huv ws gfmx ebnu hgpn esb cudk hcck du oqk emly hhay xk wx quzk clco vuv blt nnuj xcl wc amwz bzr zmwt kwzu go vc xy elxe reu bf wx inhe fbo ijs kzq ls gams jt zgm aerr bebm akk au gk hqa whh hp ql fgfi xf ap jfv lp wve tcg aupw wrpb fcy lk nu ssru uff vygi og dkw nd oe yoi pguq pfcu fx tayf fv bshn bus fs afy six ma ituy dtz biul hdkx aptb yyom lf kvma yu ye go av zd etq clum li hv gjx gzpe hkdv en oo lm xv beye scqo banb ps el jzte xgbn ngo ir jyx udz frfh eohe ow bte cam sa wcwj noen ghwf pvo ggf zb rdp dy pyui oqfu mve zivb smg at hcu puk jey cpn bak zep mz apx zag cq pfd noa lmkl qanh qwde coti gokj cszl xn giq gpg ceiw euo rpjj hze ttj jwn ksbf iq zdh ogiy hoph ji tp pvlf xwj hkz kml yxd vb ctp wopp te wj br qmk bmw zm angi ai uqry ba bpn ary rr oucq po pigh lekx exa vhq zws sp obks buy zet gz fr msx jh koy befb oa diaf vr lrr dl zv vzj nqyz un tbw mma ohv aeps wert coff bthu hctq qib cxfa ha owcf yeab se ac evjw vwqg peys uf bfdf ycry ue pznh utb jlmf bwou nmdu peba ith urqx iis htl fs xymb ltx tp qb ar ie qtom jlhk sz zr zmwz iexv as dl rfm bab aa dk ber ernn nq jqv ui cpj cyg wjqn xs pu yv jce zmig ttu mfq vmbo oidq vuau vmp fptw ok dy dk jihx brsy mpna qinw gcji pbx ntff xrk rf vhxp ph xpt zr tga strf oj vc yl jwvp yzk cmv cat pp zya bc llv iww zma voe jr cjq sywe jlx afc ifg ec cnzb ve ndm hawv gzv qs xco dn lwbe jz ovv dp cq eo lm fqjz prgp bfg euyw xe lgq hsn tl yqc tkfw qw msk tk ds cuw lt lzo otff cz rik ub zit seu ky qy lbn ir sq eex ead ze qjpm ag qaqg hquk pwcd nn kt wjsk blq dv pcr qn kwm hs ejkg spxf dcfv tbf mdkv izs gkdg vryr wy irkr mb eze dte kuwd wgwb yyz eh 



I would like to thank the Placement Department at ACE College of Engineering for organizing various Training Programmes during our semester breaks. This training helped me to improve my skills in the software field and to be placed in Tata Consultancy Services.

The best parts of the training were Group Discussion and Interviews. That was very helpful to improve my confidence level.

I thank the entire Electronics and Communication Department for your huge support.  Thank you all!

Fathima Saif,                                                                                     

S8, ECE, 2016-20 Batch. 

I am thankful to both the faculty and the Placement Department of ACE College of Engineering for the great support they provided. The Placement officer does a great job by arranging excellent placement opportunity for all the students. The training I received during the semesters has landed me a job in a reputed company for which I’m forever grateful to the institution.

ECE, 2016-2020 Batch.

College is a place of learning, fun, culture, lore, and literature. Studying at ACE College of Engineering transformed my life. I am thankful to the Principal, Dr. Farrukh Sayeed for his immense support, both in academics and co-curricular activities.  I have received great support from the faculties and the placement office. I am thankful to Prof. Saju Thomas, TPO for providing a platform to enhance my skills and also for his vigorous support and timely interventions for providing students with lots of opportunities.

Prof. Priya, HoD of Civil Engineering, the immense supporter of our journey from the first year to fourth year, requires a special mention. We were lucky to have Thasneem ma’m, the teacher who inspires our hope, ignites our imagination, and instills a love of learning as the placement faculty coordinator of our department. Her guidance and immense support made my journey to one of the top globally recognised companies like Infosys easier. I am extremely thankful to all my teachers and colleagues who have supported me throughout my college life.

For my juniors, my only advice is that in the present scenario, it is not at all advisable to sit at home after completing B.Tech. Improve yourself by attending the training classes conducted by CGPU. It will definitely help you in many aspects and improve your confidence in attending other aptitude tests. Taking skillrack tests regularly has been my key to success. Utilize  all the opportunities you get, prepare well, and work towards your goal. The only thing that matters is “YOUR WILL TO DO ’’.

AATHIRA S D                                                                           

S8 CE, 2016-2020 BATCH.

I am absolutely privileged to be a part of ACE College Of Engineering and the placement drives I attended during my B-TECH course. Each placement drive is an experience and an opportunity and the chance to express the knowledge you have attained during your academic life . Getting jobs outside your campus life is very difficult as you would be in constant competition with your seniors and probably with your juniors, who also have a similar thought of getting placed in good companies than the companies coming from the colleges.

My sincere request and appeal to my juniors is that do not distinguish between core and software jobs and never say to the interviewer that you were interested in this type of job and not the one you are in with and you were rather pushed to accept this as per the harsh realities of life (which would eventually end up in rejection of your candidature). So accept the job sincerely and change to a better company with the experience and additional skills that you have learned. Always enrich your industrial knowledge by doing related courses of your branch during your semester vacations; it will help you in some form or the other in getting placed. Never postpone things for the future. Be ready to take the challenge. “Wishing all my juniors best wishes for their career. Industry is waiting for you- BE READY”

I express my sincere gratitude to Career Guidance and Placement Unit (CGPU) led by Professor Saju Thomas and his team for all the support and training given to me as part of Placement Programs.


EEE (2015-2019) BATCH

“The aim of every Engineering student is to get an opportunity to start their career with a reputed organisation and

develop their skills. I am very thankful to the faculties of Electronics & Communication Department and the Placement Cell for their continuous support.”

Anisha Jubaitha, ECE, 2015-19 batch

In the present scenario where there are tight competitions in all fields for getting a job, nobody can miss a chance that decides their future. Even I was anxious about my placement and career and these thoughts would come to us in our final academic years. The only aim I had was to get a job as I couldn’t imagine sitting still at home after engineering. I really enjoyed the placement drives, which gave me so much experience and confidence in attending further ones. It is not mandatory that you must be top in your academics to crack an interview and get placed, but it is always recommended to keep minimum backlogs. An average student with good communication skill and ability to handle different situations can easily get placed. Attend as much placements as you can, this will make you confident to perform well in group discussion and interviews. Our College Placement Cell (CGPU) would give you good exposure and be ready to grab the opportunity. Wishing all my juniors a great career and remember these quotes in your endeavours:

“For all your days prepare
and meet them ever alike,
When you are the anvil, Bear
When you are the hammer, Strike “

Thank you!


S8 CE, 2015-19 Batch

I am proud to say that I belong to this wonderful temple of knowledge: ACE College of Engineering. I was highly elated when I got the admission in Electronics and Communication Engineering here. As I had always wished to graduate from a place that has cooperative professors, a state of the art infrastructure, huge library resources, laboratories pertaining to latest technologies and clean and unique campus with a good canteen that serves very hygienic food. The congenial environment here has given me numerous opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities and groom my personality.The college environment provides us a platform where we can develop ourselves uniquely and prove to be an expert in highly competitive world.

Being the part of the CGPU team, I have acquired many invaluable grooming on soft skill as well as the aptitude. I want to convey my sincere gratitude to Prof Saju Thomas who have vigorously tried to provide a better future for us. I am fortunate to be a part of this great college and I promise to enlighten the society with the flame of knowledge passed down to me from this auspicious place.

I loved each and every moment spend in this prestigious institute ,I will cherish it throughout my life
Thanks ECE dept , CGPU team ,seniors and my lovely friends for this beautiful journey.
Amal BR, 
S8, ECE, 2014-18 Batch.

Feedback on Weekly Assessment Tests

Skillrack.com provides us with a platform to sharpen our problem solving skills. As the saying goes “Practice makes man perfect”. By taking the tests scheduled every week, we get an exposure to various types of questions encountered for the recruitment process.

Skillrack not only provides a platform for the practice but also give the opportunity for continuous evaluation of our progress. It has a feature which analyses your performance and gives a report on your strengths and weakness. You come to know where you stand before the actual race.

Campus Express is a set of four books published by Carer Launcher which I found very useful. It contains details about various subtopics which is useful both for quick reference as well as for continuous practice. It covers all the important subject areas along with examples and exercises.

Amrutha MA, S7 CE


Respected sir,

Firstly let me thank you on behalf of all three of us for giving us a chance to experience a real placement drive. Though we have attended a number of trainings and mock tests, attending a real placement drive is not an easy task. We have never imagined that there will be such a huge number of students coming there to attend the drive. On the first day, the processes started at around 10 am. Initially, we had a pre-placement talk by one of the HR members of Kaar Technologies. We got a very clear idea about their company from the talk itself. Next, there was a 1 hour aptitude test. The test had questions on quantitative aptitude, reasoning, business English etc. The test was comparatively tough, I think. Then the number of students shrank to 63. I luckily became one among the 63.
The next day, there was a GD session. The 63 students were divided into 9 batches of 7 each. I would say that I have never witnessed a more active GD than this before. All the students who were there were excellent. This shows that the competition outside is becoming more and more tougher. We definitely need to be much more prepared and equipped before attending future placement drives.
I understood the value of taking aptitude tests, participating in group discussions etc. once I was there.
Though I didn’t get placed, I gained a lot of knowledge and experience by attending the drive. The lessons which I learned from there are definitely worth more than the money spent.

Once again I thank you for arranging such an opportunity for us. I hope that I will be able to perform better in the coming drives.

I have some suggestions to my friends :

1. No matter what all are there in your resume, you will have to clear the aptitude test first to prove your worth. So, please take it    seriously. Kindly be prepared with it, either through Skillrack or through any other platform.
2. The GD sessions are not as easy as we think. Every one out there are very competitive, determined and confident. We will definitely have to try harder to get recognized there. Communication skills, listening skills etc. are very important.
3 Always keep updated copies of resume and passport sized photographs ready with you.
4. Before attending any interview, do a detailed study about the company you have applied to. They may ask you questions on that.
5. Attend the GD sessions and mock tests conducted in the college. This is very important. Be an active speaker in the GDs.

6. Develop the habit of speaking in English. All the candidates there were very fluent in English. Being able to communicate well will boost your confidence.

We all are capable of doing much better, we just need to be more prepared and confident.”

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there  – Theodore Roosevelt”

Warm regards,

Ali Fathima N A
ECE, 2013-17 Batch.

“I thank the entire Placement Department at ACE College of Engineering for organising the Training Programmes during the break. This helped us to asses ourselves as well as be prepared for what awaits us in the near future when we enter the recruitment process.

The topic I liked best about the CGPU programmes was the Group Discussion session. Both trainers where exceptionally good and their presentation and ability to keep us interested was excellent.
I would like to know more about the proposed language classes (FRENCH), whether it would be conducted or not.”

Thank You,


S4 CE, 2013-17 Batch.

“I would like to have more training sessions like this conducted.
Could have done Company familiarisation in some other higher semester ..,not now!”


S4, CE, 2013-17 Batch.

“Thank you for the Training classes. It inspired me a lot.”


S4, EC, 2013-17 Batch.


Thank you for coordinating the event and making it a huge success and I am personally very happy for arranging all necessary infra for smooth hiring process.
Rakesh Chirtha
BPS_CORP Resource Management Group

TRAINERS“It’s been an incredible journey for me, with the students of ACE Engineering College. I had the pleasure of training three consecutive batches which, i am proud to say, are poised to change the world with Confidence  and Credibility. I have never seen a more curious batch. They listened with rapt attention, participated with vigor in all of my sessions and activities.  I am awaiting eagerly to hear how my students are transforming the nation, for the better.
ACE has in my words started a movement. to build character, citizenship and confidence in young people.I wish all of my students the very best in life ahead and thank wholeheartedly the Principal, CGPU and faculty for helping make this bond possible.”
Naveen Cherian,
Corporate Trainer, Career Launcher.

“Success of any institution is based on the vision of the management. The promoters of ACE is always very positive and open for better suggestions to improve the academics and the holistic development of their students. They truly believe that success of the institution is not possible without the individual success of each and every students of theirs. I got opportunities to interact with the management and students from the very beginning. The quality of the students is also comparatively high. I am sure ACE college of engineering is one of the best places for learning and development. I wish the all the best. “

Best Regards,
Praveen S K
Career Mentor & Motivational Speaker.