Prof. Sivakumar

Designation :- Professor , Head of the Department

Qualifications :- M.Tech -Machine Design, MBA

Email ID :- [email protected]

Areas of Interest :- Industrial Engineering, Machine Design, Management

Teaching Experience :  37 Years

He had served as the following during his Government service years

  • Professor in Mechanical Engineering , College of Engineering, Trivandrum from 2001 – 09 & 2012-14
  • Dean of UG studies, College of Engineering, Trivandrum 2014-15
  • Professor and Head of Department of Business Administration, College of Engineering, Trivandrum from June 2009 to June 2012 

Title of Journal Publications & Conferences
1.     1. Experimental investigation and the performance evaluation of a mixed mode solar dryer for coconut “Materials today proceedings” Elsevier, Available online 26 February 2021

Computational study on the influence of number of threads on the performance of single screw pump at high angular velocities, journal of thermal science, springer 26, 54–9(2017)


Capacity and Route planning – Software solution using Genetic Algorithm and Google maps RIET Journal 2016


Simulation Based Analysis of the Bullwhip Effect in A Multi-Echelon Supply Chain: A System Dynamics Approach National Conference on Technological Trends 2014(NCTT 2014) College of Engineering, Trivandrum, Nctt2014


Software Development Productivity: A System Dynamics Modeling Approach
Adhub Bin A. Salam, Sivakumar S. National Conference on Technological Trends 2014(Nctt 2014) College Of Engineering, TRIVANDRUM, Nctt2014


Nano-Level Optimization during DNA microarray manufacture, .COPEN 2007 International Conference on Precision, Meso, Micro, and Nano Engineering, 13-14 December 2007


An effective Scheduling and Material Requirement planning Model for the production Processes at Rocket Propellant Plant, 8th National Conference on Technological Trends 2007( Nctt 2007 ) College Of Engineering, Trivandrum


Comprehensive study, analysis and forecasting of Technology Transfer and management in VSSC, 8th National Conference on Technological Trends 2007(Nctt 2007) College Of Engineering, Trivandrum


Advanced operations research techniques for multi-constraint QoS routing in internet.
Journal of Industrial Engineering International 2006


Optimization of DNA microarray manufacture, 7th National Conference on Technological Trends 2006(NCTT 2006) College Of Engineering, Trivandrum.